Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Beginning of the Beginning...

We are so excited to show off all of our one of a kind Adjustable Pouch Sling. It is so cute and easy to use. This sling was created because of 2 Moms struggling with a normal pouch. We found that we needed one in more than one size to carry the baby in more than one position especially with the weight fluctuation right after having a baby. Also, our pouch sling has an attachable cover for discreet breastfeeding, to shade baby from weather or to use for comfort. It is much lighter than a blanket and can be attached so it isn't always falling off.

Our next item that we have fallen in love with is our Reversible Mei Tai. This is a front or back carrier and can be used up to 35lbs. It keeps baby close and happy while you are hands free. It also gives the baby a little more freedom to use their arms. There is a different pattern on either side one for each mood, one for you and one for significant other, or if you happen to have a boy and a girl. We appreciate originality, therefore we don't carry the same patterns for long.

We are just getting our sight up and running, drop in and take a look. We are really excited to have our carriers available in two boutiques here in Utah and have a possible vendor in Washington!!

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